There is nothing as exciting as seeing the Bible come to life for children. Lifeway Church, creators of the YouVersion Bible app have released a great new resource for children and families. The Bible App for Kids is a great addition to anyone's app library. It's no secret that our children are spending more and more time on handheld devices and in a world of many games and apps it is great to have an app that can help them grow in their faith.
The Bible App for Kids has many great features. Kids can listen to the story being read (great for younger children) or more advanced readers can read along themselves. There are fun treasures to find, as well as questions that are asked to help children get stars and work towards completing story levels. The animation is fantastic, bright and colourful and will keep the attention of children as they read and learn. More stories will be added in the future that will keep the children coming back to the app to see what is new.
What's really exciting is that the Bible App for Kids has already been downloaded by over one million people. Check out this exciting report from YouVersion. The potential for children and families who are not familiar with the gospel to download this app and learn scripture is really exciting and has huge outreach implications and possibilities.
Thank you Lifeway Church for another great resource that will have huge impact on the younger generation, getting them excited about God's word.
Check out the YouVersion Bible App and change how you experience the Bible.