It takes a leap

You can't always see the end
You don't know how the story will unfold
The outcome isn't clear

You don't walk with sight
Your heart leads you
Joined with his heart

Grasping on to hope
Even when that hope is hidden

Then you do it
You run and jump
And hold your breath
Believing and expecting that you will be caught
That his arms will be waiting as you plunge towards the ground

And there he is.
Just like he said he would be

You don't fall
You don't hit the ground
His arms are there
And you are caught

You believed him
You took him at his word
Sure of what you hoped for
Trusting in what you could not see

He's there
He's got you

That's His promise to you.

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. - Heb 11:1

For we walk by faith, not by sight. - 2 Cor 5:7

This video was produced by the Crossroads Equipping for Excellence Interns. For more information on the Equipping for Excellence Program and to apply today, CLICK HERE.